David Lynch’s Dune is Better

David Lynch’s Dune 1984 Dune is better than the 2021 Dennis Villeneuve’s Dune. That may not be a popular opinion but hear me out.

 I first saw the 1984 Dune when I was about 10. I was too young to have read the book and let me say I had no idea what the heck was going on. But I was mesmerized by the film. The story of how I understood set design, the costumes, the acting, and of course the music soundtrack by Toto drew me in and made me watch the movie endless times. With more views I began to have a more understanding of the film with the geo political background with the different great houses, the idea that space travel was only possible with the spice mélange, the navigators that folded space and the idea that a boy can find himself and become the Kwisatz Haderach a super being was a movie worth watching. After I read the book, it only gave me more appreciation for David Lynch’s version.

First let me say the new movie is not bad. In fact it’s very good, but it’s not the 1984 Dune. So let’s get to explaining.

 The cast. The 1984 cast was a hodgepodge of seasoned actors and newcomers including Gordon Sumner better known as Sting. What resulted was memorable performances including highlights as the Baron by Kenneth McMillan who’s maniacal screaming, laughing and flying in his grotesque face can scare a young one. It did for me for many years. Then there is the protagonist Paul Atreides played by Kyle MacLauchlan who goes from the young boy and transforms to the Kwisatz Haderach the super being. To the Duke Leto Atreides and his Lady Jessica. All these performances topped the all-star cast of the new Dune. The one actor in the new movie who I really liked was Jason Momoa who played Duncan Idaho. His performance topped the 1984’s Duncan Idaho.


The sets. Remember the 1984 movie was before CGI. The sets for the Harkonen world of Giedi Prime and Emperor Shaddam on Kaitain are a thing of beauty. No matter how you spin it, real world sets always trump CGI.


The costumes. The 1984 movie costumes for all the multitude of characters were stunning. The intricate details. The hand knit costumes. They stand the test of time and are IMO better than the new costumes.


The spice mélange - hallucinations. Only David Lynch can take a mind trip and fully show its effects. The spice is a hallugenic entropy. The 1984 version goes deep in the dream-like scenes and even shows how the navigators fold space. Something dearly lacking from the new movie. 

Soundtrack. Nothing can beat the 1984’s soundtrack. Crafted by Toto who’s probably most popular song is Africa created a brilliant soundtrack with strings, and electric guitars. Now Hans Zimmer’s soundtrack in the new movie is very good, and Hans Zimmer is a staple for Oscar nominations. But Toto’s soundtrack was so ahead of its time. Dune Soundtrack

 As this is an urban planning related blog I have to touch on some points. The new movie does show the city of Aarakeen which is the center of the Dune world and probably its capital. It shows the spice refinery and spaceport and how it integrates into the Dune world. The CGI here does work well, so I have to give the nod to the urban planning showcase of the new Dune.

All in all the new Dune movie is very good. But the 1984 Dune is special in my heart and is better than the new movie. Watch both and have you make your decision on which one is better.


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