Top City Planning Songs

City planning is a great story line for songs. There is endless material to craft lyrics about a City’s, neighborhoods, suburbs, sprawl, traffic, police and enjoying the essence of what the urban environment brings to you. This recipe creates songs that are memorable, driving into emotions about once place and how they interact with it. So with that what are these songs? Below is my list of top city planning theme songs. I’m sure there are plenty of other songs out there, and would love to hear from you to build on this list. So enjoy, read some lyrics and of course listen to some music.

Arcade Fire sprawl

The first song is from the Canadian band Arcade Fire. Their whole 2010 album aptly named “The Suburbs” can make the list. But what song identifies the strongest with City planning is sprawl. The suburban sprawl which continues to build in previously untouched lands creates a sprawl phenomenon where there is no interconnection between communities. Thus you’re living in the sprawl. Here are some of the lyrics.

Living in the sprawl

Dead shopping malls rise like mountains beyond mountains

And there's no end in sight

I need the darkness, someone please cut the lights


Rush Subdivisions

To build upon the suburban and Canadian origin theme is the song subdivisions. How does one divide up the land to create these suburbs? Well you create subdivisions to lay out the lots. Are they all in geometric order as the lyrics of the song has? Well that’s for you to decide. Here are some of the lyrics.

Sprawling on the fringes of the city

In geometric order

An insulated border

In-between the bright lights

And the far, unlit unknown


Petula Clark Downtown

Written in 1964, before the introduction of the shopping malls that had a negative impact on Main Streets. The lyrics touch on sound and sight as one listens to the traffic of the city and the pretty neon sidewalks. In my opinion, the neon lights of the 1960’s are classics and would like to see more businesses incorporate this signage in today’s signage. Here are some of the lyrics.

Just listen to the music of the traffic in the city

Linger on the sidewalk where the neon signs are pretty

How can you lose?


Parquet Courts Downtown Pace

Walking is always essential, especially in a downtown. Where else you interact with people, people watch and take in all the sights, smells that encompass a downtown. Walking brings a downtown to you rather then driving. So what’s the right pace to walk in a downtown? Let the band at Parquet Courts teach you.

Seeing my path there, hearing the song I'll sing

And food that I'll taste and all the drinks that I'll consume

Return the smile of an unmasked friend

As we take streets I don't walk down cause I want to avoid

Fighting temptation, walk at a downtown pace

Walking at a Downtown Pace

The Strokes New York City Cops

I’m a born and raised New Yorker. Growing up in upper Manhattan in Washington Heights. The relationship of a police force and the neighborhood that they serve shapes the social atmosphere. We’ve seen it recently with the mistrust of a police force and defunding in several municipalities. There are two sides to every story, but this is an essential City Planning themed tune focused on the interaction of the NYC police force and their wisdom as decided by the NYC band the Strokes. 

New York City cops, New York City cops

New York City cops, but they ain't too smart

New York City cops, New York City cops

New York City cops, but they ain't too smart

New York City Cops

Joni Mitchel Big Yellow Taxi

An essential tune with a line that reminds that you have to find a balance between the built and natural environment. It’s a balancing act with smart growth, new urbanism development and preservation that preserves paradise but also builds new meaningful places that can become paradises in their own right. 

They paved paradise and put up a parking lot

They took all the trees, and put em in a tree museum

And they charged the people a dollar and a half to see them

Big Yellow Tax

Weezer My Name is Jonas

How do you build cities, buildings, the infrastructures to support it? Behind the scenes it’s the blue collar workers that shape the built environment. This classic grunge song lyrics touch on the daily drudge of the work day and the misadventures of a building not going as planned. 

The building's not going as he planned

The foreman has injured his hand

The dozer will not clear a path

The driver swears he learned his math

The workers are going home

My Name is Jonas

Jay Z – Alicia Keys - Empire State of Mind

An ode to my NYC with essential New Yorkers of Jay Z and Alicia Keys. Jay Z lyrics touch on all aspects of NYC to the hustle, to the sports teams, to the clubs, the music that makes it the one and only concrete jungle with 8 million stories. Here are some highlights of the verses.

In New York (Ay, aha) (Uh, yeah)

Concrete jungle (Yeah) where dreams are made of

There's nothing you can't do (Yeah) (OK)

Now you're in New York (Aha, aha, aha) (Uh, yeah)

These streets will make you feel brand-new (New)

Big lights will inspire you (Come on) (OK)

Let's hear it for New York (You welcome, OG) (Uh)

New York (Yeah), New York (Uh) 

Jay Z Alicia Key - Empire State of Mind

Pretenders My City was gone

With the bass lines pounding through the song it’s a story of going back to town and your city was gone. Lead singer Chrissie Hynde goes back to her home town in Akron Ohio and her downtown her favorite restaurants her train station was gone. The spirit and all her favorite places have been pulled down to create urban sprawl where her pretty countryside has been replaced by shopping malls. It’s another song of the story of suburban sprawl and the impacts it has on one’s city. Here are some lyrics.

I went back to Ohio

But my city was gone

There was no train station

There was no downtown

My City was Gone

M 83 Midnight City

 This song made the list because the city changes at night. The day time population goes home and the night creatures of the city come out. It’s not all bad maybe implied by the word creatures and the city is a different soul at night. The clubs and bars may be jumping, the cabs, ubers may be rampant for people to get around but there is a different feel. The midnight city is one that is different during the day.

Waiting in the car

Waiting for the ride in the dark

At night the city grows

Look at the horizon glow

Midnight City

James Taylor Traffic Jam

Who likes to be a traffic jam? No one does. This song gets right to the point with the first verse. ”Damn this traffic jam”. A traffic jam is a common occurrence in cities and its suburban connector nodes. The roadways can-not handle the traffic flow resulting in the ubiquitous traffic jam. No matter where you are in the US, the world. In rush hour there always is a traffic jam. As we must all say together “Damn this traffic jam”.

Damn, this traffic jam

How I hate to be late

Hurts my motor to go so slow

Damn, this traffic jam

Time I get home my supper will be cold

Damn, this traffic jam

Traffic Jam

Billy Joel Allentown


Billy Joel is a song writer who observes and writes about history. His songs are unique and the reason why he is an essential song writer. The factories were the middle class job of the iron belts in the mid-west, the north east and throughout the US. However when they were being closed down, what was the middle class person to do? This is the song of these times, when the factories shut down and the middle class was left in the middle.

Well we're living here in Allentown

And they're closing all the factories down

Out in Bethlehem they're killing time


So these are my top urban planning songs. As mentioned, I’m sure there are countless more so please let me know so I can add to this list. In the meantime happy listening to the songs of the cities.


NYC Price Out


Pop up Park of Dunellen