My Broken Leg and Uber Observations
My experiences in a Uber after breaking my leg and not being able to drive for 10 weeks.
Affordable Housing Needs a Name Change - It Should be Called Workforce Housing
Affordable Housing should be Called Workforce Housing
Geography of The NJ Sloppy Joe
Who knows what a NJ Sloppy Joe is and where in NJ can you get one? Hint it’s only in certain parts of the garden state.
Economic Boom of NJ Craft Breweries
NJ Craft Beer has been an economic boom for the garden state. Let me elaborate.
Network TV and Urban Planning
My wife recently returned from a business trip that echoed an interesting phenomenon in urban planning. It was a city with revitalization, development, place making, events, community building, art, food, drink, culture, commerce and destination planning. Sounds like all the attributes of new urbanism planning. Now where do you think my wife went on her business trip?
The Graffiti of Cargo Trains
I have always been fascinated by cargo trains. Maybe it’s the rumbling of the wheels, the mystery of what goods they are carrying, the unknown destination they are going, who is driving the train and multitude of other things.
The Positives of Ivy on Workforce Housing Buildings
There are positives to having ivy on workforce housing buildings.